Chick Magnet

Strange, before the wreck, no girl would look at me while I was driving. Now, every single one turns their head. They even point me out, too. Ahhhh yaaaaa!!!!

Everything But The ...

Yes, the kitchen sink is in there somewhere.

Back To The Future

My time portal. Each time I walk past this, I skip 5 minutes into the future. Weird, huh?

Great 4 1/2 Door Hatchback

I asked for blue tape, but the store was all out.

Avoiding A Car Repair Bill

Those car repair prices can be tremendous. Plus, the car smells great when the air is turned on.

The One Gallon Water Heater

No need to call a repairman on the water heater. I got this one.

Call A Locksmith

Here's hoping a car thief doesn't own a pair of metal cutters.

GM's Next Big Idea

Hot air blowing in your face? How does that help you defrost the windows?

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